Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I'm moving on....

Funny how things have led me to this.

Circumstances, laziness, technology, lack of motivation,

depression (did I really say that? I've never been depressed in my whole life)


etc etc etc......

Now let me explain where I am going.

I am moving my blog....well starting a new one...

and you can find me here at Only The Hem Of My Apron!

Seems since I have quit work fulltime that I have been in a terrible tailspin, it has been a roller coaster ride from you know where!

I have been sick with shingles again, not as bad as last year, but close. I think that has played the number one part in my lack of motivation and depression (strictly clinically related due to fatigue) and laziness (which I would love to blame on the illness too).

Circumstances...well that one is a combo of all of the above. oh my....... that's a biggy.

I seem to have started devoting WAY too much of my time to being nosy and worried about what other people are doing on Facebook.

Not so much what they are doing but what they think of what I am doing....I think that's what I think I think......I don't know anymore what to think for myself!

The shingles have put me in a brain fog that was for a couple weeks so incredibly scary that I was googling Alzheimers and dementia, and was very convinced that I had early onset!

I have already come to the conclusion that I was in brain overload from TMI about other people and their response to my posts. Afterall it's none of my business what other's think about me!

After I got on facebook again this morning and the entire setup has changed, it was like a big ole reality slap in my face!

What I read in between the lines of all of the many many complaints about the changes was that it was time for me to get back to the "basics of life".....(aahhh remember that good ole Waylon Jennings song).

My new blog is designed to bring me back around to being creative, being simple, being pure, being sustainable, being thrifty, being energetic, being accountable for my time management, being crafty and just plain ole being me.

I do not need to worry about whether such and such has the friday night football scores, unless it's Coltons team playing. I don't need to know about who is at a wine tasting and I sure as heck do not need to know when a certain friend ran out of toilet paper in his bathroom.......yep important stuff that I learn on facebook has probably been to blame for my brain fog all along!

So come with me and my apron on my new journey........ cause only the hem of my apron knows for sure.....


daisy g said...

I don't get facebook. Nor do I participate in it. I look forward to reading your new blog though! Love that Waylon Jennings song!

the canned quilter said...

I have missed you : )

Mel said...

So sorry, to hear about you dealing with the shingles. I had my first round with them this past spring, my PCP (primary care provider) said; you're way to young for this, are you under alot of stress... He loaded me up with some creams and other meds which helped, I totally understand what you are going thru.

Look forward to visiting your new blog.


OurCrazyFarm said...

I do understand . . . I miss you, too, sweet friend:)) Hope you feel better soon!