.......and it's not good. I have Sarcoidosis in my lungs. I go next week for a CT scan of my chest for a better look at how extensive the involement. Robin works very closely, in ICU, with a great pulmonologist and is going to talk to him about my case. I will have to go see him soon. I went to the eye Dr yesterday and had a very thorough exam and my eyes are not involved. Thank You Lord!! I also get a new pair of the coolest glasses coming next week...afterall something good has to come from all of this, right??? I already wear glasses and was long overdue for an upgrade!!
Life on the farm is very busy these days. Milking 2 goats or should I say 1 1/2 goats. Violet has been very sick with an overload of parasites. I know you are thinking that I should not have goats if I can't do any better with them than this, but we had wormed her the way we were taught and it wasn't enough and they had an opportunistic time right after the birth of the baby. She ended up at the vets office 3 days after the birth. She went off feed and is barely on her way back now. I am so afraid that she will dry up on me but I am really working with her. I only get about a cup each milking from her but almost a half gallon from Saphira each milking. With Saphira we wormed her as soon as she kidded so we could nip it in the bud with her and the parasites and it seems to be working well. I can start to keep her milk tomorrow!!!! Boy do I have plans for it too!!!!
I'll definately keep you in my prayers.
Thank you Amanda! You are an angel!
I am going to fight this crazy disease with all my might!!
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