Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesdays Thoughts....

Come from Terri. Yesterday my post was for her and today I have to link her you over to her post. It spoke to my heart like no other one has in a long long time. It's amazing what a woman can learn at a quilting retreat! God Bless you all as we try to become better wives and children of God!!

I am not sure what is going on with blogger but I can't correct any errors or add a link or anything. Maybe it's my new antivirus protection blocking something???????
So anyway here is her post http://ourcrazyfarm.blogspot.com/2009/11/glorious-role-of-woman.html Sorry for the errors!


Thistle Cove Farm said...

Hi Becky,

really enjoyed this link even though visit was short due to poor vision on my part.
Wouldn't it be GRAND to have a quilting retreat? I volunteer Thistle Cove Farm but folks need to not be allergic to dogs and cats -smile-.

OurCrazyFarm said...

I think I'm going to cry! I'm so glad I met you:))) Isn't God good??! Merely being a servant, and it was as much for my heart as yours. Terri
PS~ I love your new christmasy look!