Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Quick guinea update...

This morning I woke up to one guinea on top of my detached garage, one on the ground behind the garage and one in the garden. I had 5 but now 3. In a few minutes I had 2 of those on top of my house then they joined the other in the garden. A few minutes later I started hearing a terrible freaked out guinea shrill and chatter from toward our fishpond. I rode our ATV down there and found my white hen running up and down the hill in a severe panic. Apparently she lost her mate because another one didn't return with her. So the count is 4 now.

A few minutes later my mom and dad pulled up with his 4 in a cage for me. He gave them back because they s*** on everything, like he didn't know that they s***!!!! Oh well!! His loss. I found out right quick that they did their business on my front porch prior to flying up on my house!! Anywho I now have 8 guineas down there trying to get caught up on the gossip since they were seperated at 3 days old!!! They all seem really happy together so we will just have to wait til night fall agian!!


blushing rose said...

What a chuckle ... TTFN ~Marydon

Chanda said...

Loved my visit to your blog and I was looking for the following button. Let me know if you put in on. I will just add to computer favorites for now. Your are a true country girl and an inspiration.