My parents house burned down many years ago now and a neighbor of their's gave them this set. Of course they recieved many sets of dishes from many friends and neighbors and my Mom said that she wasn't really into anything this fancy and decided to give them to me. Well I am not sure what kinda mood I was in but I really thought they were just about the ugliest dishes at the time I had ever seen!! Yuck! So off to the attic they went and it wasn't until we were preparing for our recent yardsale that I actually got a good look at them and decided that they were in fact not ugly but very beautiful indeed!!
It could have been the fact that I had always decorated my house in some sort of Country theme and this new Romantic Chic Theme has mellowed me out and Femmed me up a little!! It could have been the fact that at both houses I could not get to them because of having only a ladder to reach them and trust me this ole gal doesn't do ladders very well at all. But more than likely the reason was that in the basket in which they were given to me were these HORRIBLE SILVER METALLIC 1980"s placemats that were covering up the beauty of these dishes. Grant you the platinum trim probably looked pretty good with the silver in the 80's but it gagged me for years!!
The lady who gave these to my parents was an old maid school teacher that taught my Father, brother and I in elementary school and then she was the librarian for both my children in elementary school!! Ms. Julia Laprade. The only spanking that I ever got or almost got in school was from her! She swatted a really big thick paddle at me and missed my rear and it the metal on the side of the desk seat and you coulda heard it ring for miles!!! She even laughed afterwards when all the other classmates were laughing at her!!
As far as I know she is still living, I will have to check on that one. I am sure she would be happy that I am enjoying her china so much and I haven't even had a meal on them yet!!
This quest for new dishes has came because we are in the beginning stages of purchasing a great mobile home for our land near the lake. 3 bedrooms and 2 baths sure beats the heck out of a pop-up camper right??? So of course being the little "nester " that I am (bred into me from my Mom!) I have to make plans for such stuff as what kinda dishes will be in my cabinets and what kinda bedding and towels and the list goes on and on and on. The really great thing is that I already have enough of every household item there is to furnish 3 homes!!
The dishes above can be purchased from for an extreme fee per piece, such as $17.99 per plate ......but .....drum roll please......I just found 27 more pieces on ebay for $19.99 so I will have a 16 place setting!! Applause!!! Applause!!!
I hope you all have had a great weekend!!
Hugs to all,
Beckyyyyyy!!!!!! I could kiss you for that compliment on my granddaughter/me! Yes, she is my very own granddaughter. I've been married to the same man for over 47 yrs now and she is OURS!!
So now will you let me in your little secret to eternal youth!! Or should I say eternal energy??
I could get so much more done if I did not have a computer, but what fun would I have then?? LOL
Love ya,
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